What are the signs and symptoms of Vitamin B6 Toxicity?

Common symptoms of Vitamin B6 Toxicity are numbness, tingling, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, pain, and fatigue. B6 Toxicity symptoms can vary from one person to another, so not everyone experiences all symptoms at once or to the same degree as another.

Click here for more signs and symptoms of Vitamin B6 Toxicity

What is the recommended daily amount (RDA) of Vitamin B6?

According to Mayo Clinic, the RDA of Vitamin B6 is 1.3 milligrams in men and women ages 19-50; 1.7 milligrams in men aged 51 and older; and 1.3 milligrams in women aged 51 and older. Many vitamins and supplements include a much higher dosage of Vitamin B6 than is recommended.

Link Mayo Clinic

What is the Upper Limit of Vitamin B6?

This question is dependent on the country where it is purchased. The United States has one the highest tolerable upper limits of 100 mg per day. Other countries are much more conservative. For example, the United Kingdom and Australia all have tolerable upper limits of only 10-25 mg daily. This includes the amount taken in from a normal diet.

What is a safe amount of Vitamin B6 to take?

There is no safe amount of B6 if someone is already eating properly because Vitamin B6 is one of the most bio-available vitamins, meaning it is easily absorbed from foods and anything over the Recommended Daily Allowance can cause toxicity. Although some are more susceptible to Vitamin B6 Toxicity, the majority of people are not low enough on Vitamin B6 to need supplementation. Gaining Vitamin B6 from foods should be sufficient in a normal healthy person.

How do I have my Vitamin B6 blood levels tested?

Please see Get Tested

What level of Vitamin B6 in the blood is considered toxic?

Although different labs have varying ranges that they use to test Vitamin B6, anything over the range of the lab is considered toxic.

How long does it take for Vitamin B6 blood levels to return to normal?

Vitamin B6 has a half life of 15-20 days. Blood levels commonly return to normal in 2 weeks to a month, depending on how high the level was when tested. The higher the level in the blood, the longer that it will take to rid the body of the excess.

Can symptoms of B6 Toxicity heal?

Damage from Vitamin B6 toxicity is dependent on several factors; how long one was taking the vitamin, how much Vitamin B6 the person was taking, and how long were symptoms present before stopping. Healing is subjective and everyone heals differently.

What doctors are aware of B6 Toxicity and how to treat it?

Few doctors are aware of Vitamin B6 toxicity and many consider it to be rare.  It is not rare. The only reason it is considered to be so rare is because few doctors test for it. The doctors who are knowledgeable in B6 toxicity claim to see it very frequently.